MISSION STATEMENT: St. Paul’s United Church extends God’s love to all* people who desire justice, spiritual connection, community and personal growth, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
VISION STATEMENT: We envision a world where ALL people know that they are God’s beloved children who are inherently valued and called to live into their unique purpose and calling in life.
We celebrate God’s gift of diversity, known in and through humanity. We acknowledge, that in creating lists of those we extend welcome to, we will overlook someone. Know that even if you do not identify with any of this list, YOU ARE WELCOMED, LOVED AND VALUED at St. Paul’s United Church, Bowmanville. We extend God’s love to an incredibly diverse people, diverse in gender, gender identity, race, age, physical ability, emotional ability, cognitive ability, psychological ability, class, faith, family configuration, and sexual orientation. Jesus knew no boundaries, reaching out to all people, welcoming and honouring all in their uniqueness. We seek to reach out to all people, as Jesus Christ lived in his life, ministry, death and resurrection.
BLUE’s mission is to fill a gap in local, supportive programming for anyone seeking safe community, life giving activities, delicious food, healthy relationships, and a community to call home at little or no cost to participants. Through our core values of acceptance, dignity and mutual community, members grow in self esteem, and find greater purpose and joy in living. We share food, music, group discussions, fun games and celebrations and offer access to free clothing and hygiene cupboards, all towards Building Lives Up Everywhere.